Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Depression and Expectation!!!!!

After spending several months in the hospital and in rehab, my good friends Terry & Peggy took me to their home to begin my recovery. The really nice part of this was my lady friend lived across the court yard from them and made me feel very comfortable knowing she was there too. At this time I was still doing rehab twice a week, still in a wheelchair most of the time, unable to walk. Things were OK at the time, but looking back with that 20-20 vision I have now, they were not the way I wanted them to be. The obvious part is the disability of the stroke, but the not so obvious was my mind not seeing or not wanting to see the SIGNS that my lady friend really didn't feel the way about me I thought she did. Its amazing how ones need to cling to HOPE, can cause you to overlook the obvious signs of the real feelings of someone you love for obvious reasons. This became hard at times and my mind just kept making excuses, with some good reasons at times, for these BIG SIGNS that I should have recognized.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Waiting for the END!!!!!

Well, I have procrastanated on my blog duties, but what the Hell!!!!! Its not a requirement and things have not gone well this past year. The BIG problem for me was a Mini Stroke in April while I was in Dallas to attend the NASCAR race there. I refused to go to the hospital and I am OK, still able to take care of myself. But the Mini was a BIG setback. You try to put a percentage on it but that is really impossible. Needless to say, no one, except those who go through it, have any idea of what I speak. The physical part would be bad enough, but its all of that plus the emotions, topped by the depression. Things get better but one must really be careful. I fell 8,9 maybe 10 times the first 3 or 4 weeks just trying to do normal things. The trouble there is you fall and hurt yourself with no one to help you, if you need it. Fortunately I am still OK, not great but still here Fighting!!!!

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